Services Offered

The Haven of Hope currently offers the following/not limited to trauma informed services:

  1. Law enforcement accompaniment includes assisting law enforcement in interviews, providing support while victims make statements, taking pictures of injuries, and coordinating meetings.
  2. Emergency room accompaniment includes meeting a client at the ER, making sure they understand what is happening and providing supportive information.
  3. Emergency shelter: victims with a safety concern can stay in the shelter free of charge.
  4. On Scene Response: victim advocates respond on scene with law enforcement to provide immediate advocacy services and trauma support for law enforcement. When a victim can be interviewed one time it reduces re-victimization.
  • Advocates can meet victims where they are, in their time with trauma informed services.
  • Often times Advocates will know the history and are able to give background information to the other responder.
  • Victims tend to stay engaged in investigation/court process when they have support from the beginning.
  • Victims do not always want law enforcement involved fear of them or the stigma of working with them. Advocates are able to engage them.
  1. Assistance with filing Victims of Crime Compensation claims to reimburse victims for financial losses accompanied with being a victim of crime.
  2. Assistance with registering for VINE (Victim Information Notification Everyday) which is an automated system that allows victims to access information about defendants in county jails and the state prison system. It will also contact the victim when a defendant is released or moved to a new facility.
  3. Assistance with gathering information for restitution in a criminal case.
  4. Assistance with filing Civil Protection Orders/Sexually Oriented Protection Orders/Stalking Protection orders.
  5. Court Advocacy includes informing victims of court hearings, locations and types of hearings. Supporting victims, attending all court hearings and assistance with filing Victim Impact Statements to the Court.
  6. Information and referral includes providing community resources.
  7. Trauma support includes assistance with minimizing safety issues and supporting victims and understanding their emotional needs.
  8. Marsy’s Law notification includes providing information to victims in criminal cases about their constitutional rights. 1.) The right to be treated with respect, fairness and dignity throughout the criminal justice process. 2.) The right to information about the rights and services available to crime victims. 3.) The right to notification in a timely manner of major proceedings and developments in the case. Also, the right to be notified of all changes to an offender’s status. 4.) The right to be present at court proceedings and provide input to a prosecutor before a plea deal is struck. 5.) The right to be heard at pleas or sentence proceedings or any process that may grant an offender’s release. 6.) The right to restitution.
  9. On call 24/7 to law enforcement and the emergency room.
  10. Outreach activities to local community groups, schools and law enforcement and other agencies